The Stream

Unpacking Ebola’s myths

The Stream looks at misinformation surrounding the Ebola virus and the efforts to counter it.

Salt water, three large onions and condensed milk can cure Ebola. It’s an airborne virus that liquefies your organs. International medics brought the disease to West Africa. These are just a few of the myths that health officials are struggling to combat as misinformation surrounding the epidemic continues, spreading faster than the virus itself. What’s making these myths harder to dispel is that survivors and relatives of victims are often ostracised, given little chance to reintegrate back into and educate their communities. With the World Health Organization now estimating 7400 confirmed cases, and more than 3400 deaths, what can be done to combat the ‘misconceptions’ and stigmas? Join the conversation at 1930GMT.

On this episode of The Stream, we speak to: 

Decontee Kofa @deconteekofa
Founder and Executive Director of the Kofa Foundation

Tolbert Nyenswah
Assistant Minister of Health for Liberia

Dr. Ali Khan @UNMC_DrKhan
Dean, College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Centre

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