The Stream

Kenya Election 2017: Women fight for power

What barriers and biases do female politicians face?

When Kenyans head to the polls to vote in a general election next month, Samantha Maina’s name will be among those on the ballot. A first-time candidate, she is one of a handful of women trying to change her country and shake up its politics in the process.  

Kenya holds the dubious distinction of having the lowest female parliamentary representation in East Africa. Only about 19 percent of the seats are held by women despite a 2010 constitutional mandate requiring a third of seats be filled by them.

It’s something Daisy Amdany, the Executive Director at Community Advocacy and Awareness Trust, is working to change.

“When you’re not at the table, your issues aren’t on the table,” she says .

So what will it take to make sure more women have a seat at the table? We ask that question to a group of women working to make Kenyan politics more inclusive.

Joining The Stream:

Samantha Maina @samantha_maina_
Candidate, member of County Assembly

Daisy Amdany @daisyjerop
Executive director, CRAWN Trust

Brenda Wambui @brendawambui
CEO and founder, Brainstorm Africa

Esther Passaris @EstherPassaris
Nairobi Women Representative candidate

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